Interactive Systems Group

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The Interactive Systems Research group is led by Prof. Martin Hitz and has several research focusses, of course all connected to the enhancement of Human Computer Interaction. The, in relation to the Domos initiative, most important research area is smart home usability in general, and, actually, ambient assisted living in particular.

The main project is Casa Vecchia the goal of which is to deploy state of the art smart home technology in the real homes of elderly people and to identify all relevant aspects which influence technology usage in the home. This could be, for example, technical (complexity of integration), oecomonic (costs) or psychological (controllability) factors. The project is  proposed for three years.

People working in Casa Vecchia

Prof. Martin Hitz Dr. Gerhard Leitner DI Anton J.Fercher BEd, Msc John NA Brown

Further information can be found on our websites:

Interactive Systems Research Group

Project Casa VecchiaThe Interactive Systems Research group is led by Prof. Martin Hitz and has several research focusses, of course all connected to the enhancement of Human Computer Interaction. The, in relation to the Domos initiative, most important research area is smart home usability in general, and, actually, ambient assisted living in particular.

The main project is Casa Vecchia the goal of which is to deploy state of the art smart home technology in the real homes of elderly people and to identify all relevant aspects which influence technology usage in the home. This could be, for example, technical (complexity of integration), oecomonic (costs) or psychological (controllability) factors. The project is  proposed for three years.

People working in Casa Vecchia

Prof. Martin Hitz Dr. Gerhard Leitner DI Anton J.Fercher BEd, Msc John NA Brown

further information on the websites:

Interactive Systems Research Group

Project Casa Vecchia